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Yoga is a mind & body practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation & deep relaxation. The word ‘yoga’ means union, signifying the connection between the mind, body & spirit.
Yoga offers numerous benefits for overall well-bein. It can improve flexibility, strength, balance & posture. Regular practice of yoga can enhance mental clarity, reduce stress & promote relaxation.
There are assorted styles of yoga, ranging from gentle & relaxing to more intense & physically demanding. Each style & instructor has its own unique set of poses & focus.
Yoga is not just physical exercise, but a holistic practice that combines movement, breath & mindfulness. Many people find that regular yoga practice helps them feel more centered, balanced & connected within themselves & the environment around them.

Holistic Therapy

Holistic therapy focuses on balancing & harmonizing the energy systems of the body. It is based on the belief that imbalances or blockages in the flow of energy can lead to physical, emotional & mental issues. Various techniques may be used to restore the body’s natural energy flow, promoting overall well-being. Known to reduce stress, improve sleep, alleviate pain, boost immune system & promote relaxation.
Holistic energy therapy aims to address the whole person & their energy, rather than just focusing on symptoms & issues. By addressing the interconnectedness of mind, body & spirit. Can include various modalities of mindfulness, meditation, energy work, nutrition & yoga.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a powerful relaxation technique that promotes deep rest & rejuvenation. It involves lying down in a comfortable position & being guided into a deep state of relaxation between wakefulness & sleep. There are many benefits of practicing yoga nidra, including improved sleep, reduced anxiety, enhanced creativity, increased focus & concentration while also creating a greater sense of overall well-being. Also, it can help alleviate symptoms of chronic pain, post- traumatic stress & depression.

Sound Bath

A sound bath is a therapeutic practice where participants are immersed in sound & vibrations created by a variety of therapeutic instruments such as crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, gongs, drums, tuning forks, shells & chimes. The vibrations created by these instruments have a calming & healing effect on the mind, body & spirit inducing a state of deep relaxation, reducing stress, promoting overall wellbeing & balanceHolistic Energy Sessions Holistic Energy Therapy uses a variety of alternative healing practices that aim to balance the body’s energy flow to promote physical, emotional & spiritual well-being. During an energy session various techniques are used to identify & release energy blockages in the body.
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